In Alabama, April can be the CRAZIEST month!
One of My Stories / April 14, 2017

Looks warm but this was a 45degree morning! One of the local jokes is, “If you don’t like this weather, just wait five minutes.  It’s due to change.” In April, that isn’t a joke, it’s the damn truth. Days when the mercury touches 85, are followed by fronts containing frost warnings.  Gardners, who put in plants weeks ago, get chilblains covering up seedlings and cursing the cold snap that just showed up in the forecast. On its seesaw course from late winter to spring, the weather here defies prediction, not just from day-to-day, but hour to hour. This is especially hard on GRITS (aka Girls Raised in the South).  Southern Women are raised to believe despite, limited income, energy and time, they must always appear “dressed for the weather.” This means April can drive a girl plumb crazy.  I’ll show you what I mean 6 a.m – 45 degrees (F)  – forget the sundress you set out last night and reach for the fleece hoodie and corduroy slacks you’ve been wearing since November. 10 a.m. – 65 degrees – You are smothering in corduroy and fleece, and you look like an idiot next to the spring flowers.  Go back and change…