I like to believe that somewhere out there, someone reads what I write. (To quote one of my favorite plays, In a world where carpenters get resurrections, anything’s possible) If so, they’ve seen alterations in the name of this place, patiently reading while I tried to find the phrase captures the idea and atmosphere I’m trying to create here. The search hasn’t been easy. Initial Title: A good start but not yet there. I started out with “The Stories that Follow You Home” a phrase I love because I believe some stories do just that. While trends change and popular poems, books and plays appear and vanish like popular music recordings, some stories put down roots in your soul and imagination. They stick with you, like a good friend, and when you re-read them, you find gifts you didn’t see before. I love those rewarding tales and the people who feel the same way. I love people fascinated by the structure and function, and power of story. But, what are those people called? Is there a term for a lover of stories? We all know what lovers of books are called: bibliophiles. It comes from two old Greek words, biblion (meaning…