Diary of a Mad NaNoWriMor
One of My Stories / December 3, 2015

Every November for the past 15 years, various aspirants to Literary Lionship have girded on their writing tools and thrown away their few remaining brain cells on what is known as NaNoWriMo – the Nation Novel Writing Month.  The objective of this event is to see if the would-be writer can create a first draft of a 50,000 word novel within 30 days.  What follows is the expurgated diary of one of these self-imposed masochists.   11/1/15 – Ok, here goes nothing, as the man said.  Got an idea, got a word-processor and the nice people  at   http://nanowrimo.org/  promise that if I’ll just scribble down 1,666 words of this thing every day, I’ll have a sure-nuff 50K  word first draft by the end of the month.   At least Darling Spouse is in my corner.  What would I do without him? 11/4/15 There are thousands of writers using this site and everyone else seems bustin’ loose and making literary history.  I’ve got a first chapter done – I don’t like it, it stinks, but at least it’s done.  I sure am glad six or seven of these people want to be my writing buddies – misery loves company and maybe they…