
I had to leave, but I couldn't tell her why, not if I wanted to keep my skin....

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I’ll admit we'd have been smarter to quit right there, but "smart" wasn't in our vocabulary back then....

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There are always tributes to male parents close to Father’s Day. Check out Social Media and you’ll see all kinds of posts commemorating the sweetest, the bravest, the kindest fathers, etc. I’m sure all of those plaudits are true. But, when it comes to titles and “Greatest” plastic championship cups, I know which one belongs to my Dad. He was the first and best Storyteller I ever knew. My Dad loved a laugh more than anything else and his...

No Comments Leslie Golden Read More

I know this post is late and this excuse sounds weak but my story is absolutely legit, and it started last Friday when Darling Husband asked for the new WiFi password. Now, some would think that’s a reasonable question, given that I’m the closest thing we have to an IT department. (Terrifying thought!) On the other hand, as the household IT rep., I never change the passwords without warning. So if Darling Husband suddenly can’t ...

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To Believe in Yourself

Self-esteem is a tough nut to crack for most people. Very few people think they are perfect and those that do can’t see what the rest of us know.  So we all have weak spots in our self-confidence.  But, if you are overweight, as about two-thirds of American are, or even obese (which is a third of the American population right now), being self-confident borders on the impossible.  Despite these numbers, anyone carryi...

The Old, Family Porch Rocking Chair
One of My Stories / November 2, 2016

Great Uncles and Nephews(The only record of my family on the porch)The bare edge of the rocker is at the left My dad’s family lived in a house with a front porch they never used. I mean they never used it during my lifetime.  When we visited, we always parked in the side yard and used the kitchen door for our exits and entrances. (Some farm families do that; the kitchen is the heart of the house and everyone’s go-to spo...

A Thoroughly, Old-Fashioned, Kid’s Book
I know a Good Story / November 1, 2016

Now that Halloween and it’s cornucopia of scary stories is past, it’s time to look at the final part of the year, when the shadows lengthen early and the evenings run cold.  These are the evenings when it’s good to snuggle up with a few, warm comforts as we step into the long nights of the year.  So, pick up a warm drink, a good companion and a nice, old-fashioned kid’s book, like The Railway Children. ...

When writing is the family business

A lot of great writers seem like they were better with ink and paper than people. Pick up biographies of some literary geniuses and you’ll find many worked hard at their crafts and often endured terrible setbacks but were also self-centered loners who focused on their own problems to the detriment of their loved ones. A few of the “greats” were self-destructive abusers. Others unearthed family traumas or secrets and th...

An Early Halloween Story
One of My Stories / October 25, 2016

Let me state from the first, the events of yesterday were unforeseeable and unavoidable. None of the actions taken by all parties were neither premeditated or predictable.  However, in case a group of panicked Puritans is already headed to my house, armed with ropes and lit torches, I wish to make the following declaration: I am not now, nor have I ever been, a witch. Due to a past Halloween party, I own a hooded, black cape. ...